post 0.1

translation of the rooster comic

1. I see a woman stands like a rooster, could mean the raise of feminism

2. I see a man(or a bird?) that seems are operating a surgery on a sleeping lady.

3. another rooster that tried to bury the dead lady? I couldn't tell what animal is standing beside him.

4. the rooster seems to be a more superior being than human in this series of comic, all the roosters are well dressed while the human remain naked.

5. the wife seems get murdered by two chicken...and rooster husband seems mad or surprise about it.

6. the rooster man seems to a human who is wearing a rooster mask

7.the bird woman is showing something to the ladies, looks like a stick to me

8. the woman is hiding from the rooster man, and the rooster man looks like a predator in this case.


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